Monday, September 29, 2008

Prerequisites for Divine Governance

This is the copy of the thread that I posted in PAO_Connections about some knowledges/wisdoms on Divine Governance. It contains some arguments on some important points from different book references, especially on scalar technologies as HAARP & HIPAS. This also correlates to the material about guided meditative imagery.

Prerequisites for Divine Governance
The purpose of this paper is to introduce some vital components needed to attain & the level of consciousness that must be propagated before this mode of governance can be established. The parameters of Divine Governance will be very simple:
Pro God, pro people & pro environment

All the succeeding wisdoms, decrees & laws will be based on these 3 basic premises. As I have stated in the earlier posts, the experiment (prototype) for Divine Governance must be established by year 2012 according to my Spiritual Master. And from this, a thousand years of, say, Golden Age, will commence following Earth’s admittance into the Galactic Federation and will designate earth as the repository of yet to be formulated experimental Intergalactic Wisdoms, according to 1 of my Spiritual Master’s books, the Book of Elimedés. This is the Divine Plan according to Him. A LOT of information is still yet to be revealed for the future generations to decipher. And these books (20 of them, each is 3’ wide by 5’ tall and were written for 34 years now) contain the extract of these information from His book The Ways of the Truth written more than a million years ago when man was first created(molded) in the continent of Lemuria.

Purpose of the meditative (intergalactic) imagery:
The main purpose of these paper is to bring up our awareness & discernment to that of Planetary Archetypal level; that's the 1st stage. As you would notice, the 3 main religions of this planet had a lot of common grounds/doctrines or mythologies of origin. And these had all roots to the ancient Egyptian religion & metaphysicality. Now, the closest resemblance that I have for these principles is the Law of One from the Ra(h) material. The initial parameter for the principles is what's called in those material the Archetypical mind. I myself (having the name Harúzh before the time of Atlantis' deluge)personally feel a strong connection to the Lemurian entity Ra(h), as also an emissary from Lemuria.

Now the significance of the planetary archetypal level of consciousness is, firstly, the pre-requisite for ambassadorship to the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds. In essence, the ambassador carries all the representative embodiments/ components of that homeworld that the entity came from. This was described under the parameters/definition of Multicomponential Configurational Equilibrium. Secondly, the so called archetypical mind is the same collective consciousness that the psychologist Carl Jung refers to as the bond for our collective/cultural thoughts as a society. Simply put, when the Seeders of Life laid their foundation for propagation of civilization on these planet, they also laid their foundation of Wisdom & Truths to the society they created thru so called "religious laws" & doctrines. Then it will create the cultural collectivity that will essentially carry the knowledges of wisdoms of their ancestors that they refered to as came from the stars.
Essentially, data from the Planetary Archetypal Level of discernment is the intergalactic link of an emissary as well to that planet on which 'he/she' is assigned for stewardship.
More to come still. Goodbye for now.

Hi all,
I come in Peace & Light. I have been sent a 'go signal' impulse last Sunday by my Spiritual Master to publish this Stream of Consciousness, thru any means with the widest dissemination possible. To prepare us for these upcoming events, which had started yesterday with the series of earthquakes in the Pacific. For all of us to continuously exert our Light efforts (Firing the Grid) at least to alleviate future Earth changes that is about to happen.
This is the copy of the paper that I had given to Mr Sheldan Nidle during his conference in Concord, CA. I believe this paper has a link to what has been recently discovered in Russia, The DNA Phantom Effect( paper will try to unify Consciousness with the structure of o ur DNA (genetic sequences and heuristics of language), & how DNA can be made to continue its energetic progression into 5th dimensional light filaments: the 12 stranded DNA. This will also contain some of the energetic instructions for interacting with Cosmic Streams on a post Earth changes era & during the implementation of Divine Governance. As I have noticed also, these have similar language syntax with those of Ra(h) material in Edgar Cayce's Readings. That's all for now. Love & Light, Ihzaway!

On Seed thoughts

This is Rhaxjo, sharing my blessings to all of you.
The next topic in discussion under the Archetypal level of Consciousness will be about Seed thoughts. These are, at the least, impulses, or principles that stay in our mind for quite some time. The reason that it stays is because we need them, they have some purpose e.g. we need them for survival, we need them to maintain our collective bond as a society, or to form our governing body & implement the set of laws of the land so to speak. These are also what I refer to as the Pillars of Conviction - etherical energies that are needed to establish the Creative forces in our plane of existence.
Let me tackle first on the Creative Forces within the Intergalactic paper (meditative imagery). The initial 'conditional threshold', if you may, is the Desire, the Passion to create, to initiate the Forces into action so as to Create. In other words the fuel to create. If needed be, these creative forces can stay into manifestation/ crystallization in our material plane so as to maintain its function. Now these Primordial energies can also take in the form/essence of intellectual databits we refer to as Seed thoughts. This can be in the form of the Constitution, our God given rights as citizens of this planet & our responsibilities as beings of light serving the Oneness of All. Any idea that we refer to as the basis for our principles, the source of our Convictions for speaking & affirming our Truths, or the integrity of our dignity as a servant of Light without any reservations.
An example also of these energy type impulse is what is refered in the Christian scriptures as the parable of the mustard seed. The Knowledge (Kingdom of God) on its starting form is as small as a seed. But when it is sprinkled over a large area, it propagates & grows very fast.
There are a lot of forms of these energy types that has spurred a lot of revolutions & political movements, such as ideologies, governemental systems, & so forth.
I will now take my leave for now. Ihzaway.

--- In, "Norman" wrote:
Hi all, I will try to start explaining from the archetypal level. This field of collectivity is where our emanations of thoughts, deeds & emotions mainly came from. And I can say from personal experience that this planetary field of thoughts is confined or 'limited' to this planet. This is the delimiting factor of our consciousness, the 'experience' component so to speak that is only confined to this planet. And beyond that exists a Cosmic streams of consciousness/ field where fewer individuals can tap into, e.g. starseeds, lightworkers, lightmasters and others. One of the wisdoms of the Ages from ancient times is to storytell, thru telling of myths, parables, fables: and all these convey information thru analogies (analogical mode of discernment) . This is the first step in accessing knowledges of Higher mode of discernment. Simply put, you can connect to an experience/event that is unheard of in our plane of existence or at least in our planet when an analogy of that experience is told using in terms of the events, places, behavior, or anything that is familiar to us. This is why our ancient times are full of tales of gods and their chariots with arrows that can melt metal & turn animals & humans into pillars of salts. When scientists from different fields collaborate on a certain research or scientific project, they use their different specialties, or 'approach' to formulating their solution to attain the goal: or what we call multi-disciplinary approach. This is also one of the forms of the analogy that I'm talking about. I can say that the kind of Analogy contained in this paper attempts, at least, to manifest those Creational energies (Vascular energies) in our physicality of existence. The thing or event that will manifest when those principles are 'crystallized' , so to speak, are a series/sequences of 'progressive events' (Progression of Wisdom) that I will say, will have long lasting implications. They can leave a legacy, a wisdom that have far implications on how we view reality, it could be a whole new body of knowledge just like relativity & quantum physics, or can be changes in our environment or planet earth as a whole.

I view these 'articles' in the intergalactic Protocol (meditative imagery) as descriptions or definitions of 'events' in the higher frequencies of Existence that only have minute glimpse in our mode of perception. These could be in the form of high energy events, some thoughts passing by when we receive an impulse thru our five senses, or thru clairvoyancy and clairsentiency. The most obvious feature of instructions in these paper is they are similar to the protocols for remote viewing. Some are suggestive, execute a maneuver, then it will trigger a series of unravelling paths, trajectories or flow of energies, and can have instant results or manifestations in physicality. For now, the most dominant, or of immediate use is what I termed Trigger Sequences. It is kind of a set of highly suggestive instructions that activates archetypal memories, that can enable an individual to change its emotional mood, heightened perception e.g. receptive to a certain frequency of consciousness, vivid recall of a certain event, or even mode of beingness e.g. Oneness with All. I can call this mind control towards reception of Divine Consciousness.
I need to rest for now, but still more to come. Peace.

The Educational System
Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:30 pm (PST)
Before I discuss the final plan, I have a lot to say about the educational system on this planet. There is a proverb from Albert Einstein that says that "Problems cannot be solved by the framework of thinking that gave rise to them". This is the very situation of this planet, my dear Lights. Almost everything under the sun is still tackled by the old Newtonian/Platonian ways of thinking & from an outdated contextual perspective. This is I can say the least, a fragmentative &separative way of gaining a perception of our reality. We always gain data about a problem/goal thru small bits: in other words, the way we gather facts is thru a way that it was separated from its Contextual placement. One way of viewing this point is thru this situational analogy: Scientists, in order to determine the running speed of acheetah, has to gather the animal from its habitat, the forest & take it to the laboratory and subject it to their situational parameters, under their own experimental conditions. What they didn't consider are the other factors that 'propel' the creature to its natural speed, which is they are trying to simulate in their labs. Any other way, even if they had the closest resemblance of the environment, the impulses & so forth that contribute to the cheetah's 'biological' natural speed, they will still not have the results of obtaining the cheetah's real speed. Because they are missing the Contextual component: the forest itself & its ecosystem.
This is what I can call for now the objective (for a lack of a better word for it) mode of discernment, which is tackled under the Intergalactic (meditative imagery) paper on the 1st few pages. As you can observe in our academic textbooks, in grade school up thru college, the syllabus for discussing a topic is thru taking a lot of definitions for a particular term - kind of terminology hairsplitting - and not in terms of it's relations to its Contextual Origin. When you discuss things in terms of their relationship to one another, under the main system that they are involved in, we also tackle their function, their purpose. And that's the easiest way the human brain retains information on a particular subject: When something has a purpose, we can better remember them. And when we define/discern something in terms of, then we had the analogical mode of discernment, thru analogies. Now in the scientific community,especially in the field of mathematics, they had what you call conjectures. These are usually principles or set of rules that had been applied on a particular field, and can also have grounds and applicable to other principles as well. Thru the experience of the applicability of a framework/principle to different fields of wisdom, that is where we get its prove-ability and its further implications on future situations.
The above mentioned modes of discernment & learning are as close as to where the Intergalactic (meditative imagery) paper can take us in the way that ancients Lemurians learn & absorb education thru living with & in Unison with nature. Now given these information, we had a glimpse of how the Archetypal level of Consciousness can be tapped as our new source of knowledge, & how we can fit into our etherical auric bodies the streams of Cosmic impulses after our planetary ascension.
Next in topic: The darkness's control on these energies, how they use it, and the measures to counter their mind control algorithms
I now take my leave & blessings to you. Ihzaway.
Etherical technician/scientist
Gorzanic Emissary to Earth

Plan of Execution
Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:08 pm (PST)

Before I discuss the final plan that was indicated by the Intergalactic protocol (meditative imagery), I had some affirmations that needs to be reiterated in order to establish & strengthen our psyche-ic components for defense against the dark cabal's counter offensive measures.
Firstly, we need to precondition our field of thought that we are all representatives from the stars sent on assignment on this planet: We are only IN this planet,NOT OF this planet. Notice the big difference. We are spiritual Being shaving a human/earth experience, not the other way around. We are the instruments of our Oversoul and Source of All Oneness in this very vital sector of existence that monitor every event that transpires in our embodiment here in earth Shan: so therefore what we always keep in ourfield of visualization, in our mind's eye should only be of the highest 'energetic deed'. Kind of maintaining in our thoughts & actions some 'random thoughts & acts of kindness' in most of the things we do.The second step is re-affirming our Inner spiritual Truths, the undeniable Truth of our gift of choice & Free Will that establishes our decision making components of sentiency, our Convictions driven by our Inner truths. AA Michael has this summarization about our Spiritual Truths: Truth speaks for itself and needs no witnesses for it to be proven. Anyone convinced against his will is not convinced at all: His conviction must come from Within. Having these affirmations within our midst, we can now go to the actual plan itself:

Central Telepathic Hub

This functions within the functional parameters of Realmic Progression Through Multidimensional Multiplication and Resonational Field of Consciousness. Starting from within these parameters, imagine our auric field of thought & influence propagate out and influence other psychic fields near us. Now this works in 2 ways: as a wave(ripple) that energetically propagates to influence other thought fields resonation-aly, & as a series of telepathic transmissions of instructions in the subconscious/ archetypal level. Now, communication in the archetypal level is kind of like a mind programming algorithm when the target is brought down into its 'conscious' level or beta level state of awareness after the transmission. This function is a derivative of the tasks of the physical angels (Your First Contact by Sheldan Nidle, p.145), which I brought up to my Spiritual Master as an emergency measure' during these times of energetic fluctuations &shifts in earth's Age of Changes.
Now, having the part of population brought in to our field of influence,we can now project into their holographic field of mind's eye the sequences of plans, our visualizations of the changes needed to have the transitional government be put into place, to initiate the distribution of NESARA funds, and raise the frequency mode of discernment of our planet, if not the whole of it then within our vicinity range, into that of First Contact contextual scenario. As well as to avert or minimize the effects of adjustments in our planet of the coming Earth Changes.
I now take my leave & blessings from the Divine. I am Rhaxjo, Ihzaway.

Re: Explanation of Intergalactic Protocol: plan of execution
Posted by: "mikal haley"
Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:16 am (PST)

There is a concept from the Urantia Book which i view to be from the Most high spiritual authority, and that is of Evolutionary Will Beings being here on Earth.
That is part of the answer to the question 'why has not St Germaine, other entities simply pushed NWO out of the way to get the new age started right?'
the most high wants there to be a free will presence involved in the end of global tyranny and the unification of the planet - a united planet doesn't mean united under the present tyranny of global republic that we have now.

so i am asking because ALL my buttons got pushed when you say
we need to precondition our field of thought that we are all representatives from the stars sent on assignment on this planet:how can you say that? are there no Native Earth people? What about beings who live on other planets as earth beings have evolved for millennia?
surely their spiritual parts evolved from the same Creator Source, but theyare residents and representatives of their planets, with their planets environments atmospheres, magnetic planes etc: not of Earth/Earth- shan, but of their origin.

I think that there is a lot of getting used to things that has to -HAS TO take place before people will be coherent enough to actually focus attention-- loving but serious attention on the old world powers that are set to be deposed.
because if we don't deal with it it could be a long time. it could be in our generation -- it could be in the next five years with the depth of information we have recieved from representatives of source. but as things stand:
the NWO has a psychotronic field in place based on subliminal millimetre andmicrowavelengths called the ACTIVE DENIAL SYSTEM. it is gigawatts to maybe TERAWATTS powerful. the action of it affecting biological human nervous systems is one thing: as amplifying tendency of mental denial is one thing that it does.
the high freq. active auroral research program is researching HUMAN auroralmanifestation -- meaning our energetic bodies, the auras that each human being generates as well as the planets electromagnetic field. that's whyit's up in Alaska, so the aurora borealis can be studied. in addition tomucking with human brains and nervous systems -- please don't deny it ishappening out of hand, because *that is how it works *-- the active heatingof the globe's lower atmosphere is at hand.
again human denial is a seeable role -0- in that if people simply say the drowning of coastal areas is unavoidable, the loss of life and testaments of human achievement up to now unavoidable -- what does Planetary Activation mean?
I say it has to do with what Richard Lovelock called in 1969 the Gaia Hypothesis -- that each human being was part of the planet, part of the Planetary Intelligence -- and it is time to wake up and align with the planet in such a way as to make life BETTER for earth beings -- to take conscious and conscientious part in our evolution.
I have never lived in THIS life on any planet but earth. My personality was shaped by experiences that i had on earth, including meditation and celebration of earth as one part of the diversity of universal life. I recognize that there are beings with life spans effectively dwarfing what we are used to, beings like Kryon, Ra, Ptaah and Michael who represent being'outside of time' and they are part of our experience now.
But isn't galactic law that we can only 'join the gang' when we become oneas a planet, and by will, by choice, not under the military industrial"fiefdom" (??) that we have now?
when you, Norman -- I doubt you meant consciously to include denial of free will as part of your suggestion -- i get, rather an intention of timeliness and hurry, when you say*For now, the most dominant, or of immediate use is what I termed Trigger Sequences. It is kind of a set of highly suggestive instructions that activates archetypal memories, that can enable an individual to change its emotional mood, heightened perception e.g. receptive to a certain frequency of consciousness, vivid recall of a certain event, or even mode of beingness e.g. Oneness with All. I can call this mind control towards reception of Divine Consciousness.*i have heard of triggers being used to stimulate higher thought before. but I think if the human will/desire/ intention chosen capacity is denied or rejected or looked past or overruled at all -- it is simply a repeat of old, old error born of Original Sin conditioning, and feelings of guilt about choice, intuition, and what we have learned is the Feminine intelligence in humans.

This is about balance...
especially if you feel connection to the Lemurians
the whole tale of human evolution has been from spirit descending into matter to create concrete, solid physical life -- and physical life is notbeing abandoned.
it's important that we realise BALANCE as earth people,and on earth a prevailing dynamic in creation "discord" among humans has been the relegation of females to the subservient and subjugated role.
this goes along with the many tribal and "indigenous" races -- look at our planet today and imagine if through our work with the federation, leaving no stone unturned, there are no more cases of indigenous tribes getting abused, feeling raped, feeling as if their spiritual and religious and sacred paths are laughed at while privileged settling groups have religious holidays? this might seem complex - -but is it more complex than expecting non human life, no matter how lofty or wise, step in and take over?
I am sure that galactic law states that planets seeking acceptance MUST FIRST attain a oneness that is by choice and willful evolution, not by force-- of any kind, especially not 'preconditioning minds' or divine mindcontrol.
Norman, really that is what Don Rumsfeld thinks he is doing when he folds his hands in church and goes on to research more mind and aura manipulation technology like the HIPAS.
*Translated from the German by Gareth Davies*
*Dutch Answer to Flooding: Build Houses that Swim*
The Dutch are gearing up for climate change with amphibious houses. If rivers rise above their banks, the houses simply rise upwards as well. Such innovation could be good news for hurricane and flood-stunned America. But are water lovers prepared to live on swimming family arks?
*Dura Vermeer**Model of a "swimming city." Could this be an answer for New Orleans, too?*
Looking out from the terrace, heaven and earth merge into a grey blur. Heavy rain pours so incessantly that one would expect Anne van der Molen to be getting just a little nervous."Tomorrow does not look any better, according to the weather forecast," she says, calmly sipping her coffee. She does so in spite of the fact that herhouse stands directly on the Maas dyke - on the side facing the river, to be exact. Yet the nurse, sitting on her garden chair under the awning, feels as cozy and safe as if she were "snowed in up in a mountain hut, with a logfire glowing and the pantry full." The Maas can go on rising as much as itlikes, for all she cares. Her house can swim. As the water level climbs, the house itself can move up five meters, if necessary. "The elements don't bother me," she says.
*History:*The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPL), has, over the last twenty years, established an ionospheric research observatory near Fairbanks, Alaska (at 64o 52 19" N latitude and 146o 50 33" W longitude.
Known as *HIPAS* (for *HI*gh *P*ower *A*uroral *S*timulation) , the main feature of the observatory is a one million Watt (1MW), 8 antenna array of70 MW effective radiated power (ERP), broadcasting essentially vertically ateither 2.85 MHz (second harmonic of the electron gyro frequency in the earth's field at 150 km altitude) or at 4.53 MHz.1. This Radio Frequency(RF) ionospheric heater has been shown to* modify the conductivity of the ionosphere for the purposes of generating Extra Low Frequency (ELF)electromagnetic waves (for underwater and underground communicationpurposes), Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions (SEE), plasma density cavities, etc.
*Successes with *HIPAS* resulted in the construction of a second Ionosphericresearch facility, 288 km to the south east (called HAARP, for *H*igh-frequency*A*ctive *A*uroral *R*esearch *P*roject), with the same total radiated poweras *HIPAS*, but slightly higher ERP due to its more closely packed 48 element antenna array. HAARP can be continuously tuned between 3.1 -9 MHz,for the purpose of matching the transmitter' s frequency to the ionosphere's plasma frequency (wpe2= 4pnee2/me) at some altitude. Such matching by either HAARP or *HIPAS* sets up standing electro magnetic (E&M) waves that *coupleRF power into the ionosphere, heating it, and changing the localconductivity generating ELF, SEE, and plasma glow.***********
*Both sites have radio frequency and optical diagnostics that include Ionosondes, radio frequency receivers, imaging photometers, etc. *HIPAS* is the only one with a LIDAR. The *HIPAS* LIDAR is unique due to the size ofits optical collector, a 2.7 m diameter *L*iquid *M*irror *T*elescope (LMT).
There are 37 houses strung along this branch of the Maas like a row of beads. At first glance, they seem quite unremarkable. Two storeys high, semicircular metal roofs and yellow, green or blue facades - hardly any clues let on that these are The Netherlands' first amphibious houses. The cellar, in this case, is not built into the earth. Instead, it is on a platform - and is much more than a mere storage room. The hollow foundation of each house works in the same way as the hull of a ship, buoying the structure up above water. To prevent the swimming houses from floating away, they slide up two broad steel posts - and as the water level sinks, so they sink back down again.
*DER SPIEGEL / Gerald Traufetter**Anne van der Molen doesn't worry when the rainy season hits. Her house can swim.*
"The columns have been driven deep into solid ground," explains Dick van Gooswilligen from the Dura Vermeer construction company. "They are evenstrong enough to withstand currents you would find on the open seas."Gooswilligen is currently busy guiding dozens of journalists from the United States through the watertight settlement in the Maasbommel district, close to Nijmegen. "As global warming causes the sea level to rise, this is the solution," he explains into a microphone. "Housing of this type is the future for the delta regions of the world, the ones which face the greatest danger."Soundbites like these are just what Americans want to hear these days. Hurricane Katrina and her lesser cousin Hurricane Rita have sparked interest in the low lying Netherlands. Hordes of hydraulic engineers from Louisiana or Texas are making the pilgrimage to the North Sea coastline to look at the fortifications. The inland river dykes are also considered exemplary models.
*The Netherlands Sinks a little Lower Every Year*German catastrophe management teams are just as curious. Climate patterns today suggest that torrential rainfall is something we can expect plenty more of in the future. This year's floods in the Alps or those along the River Elbe three years ago could well be warning signs of what awaits us. Climatologists predict that precipitation in The Netherlands could increaseas much as 25 percent. At the same time, because of the small kingdom'sdense population, there is increasing pressure to build in areas prone to flooding. Already, though, the country defies the laws of physics simply by existing: More than a quarter of its land lies below sea level. And, year by year, the land is sinking a little bit lower. The Dutch protect themselves from going under through a network of canals and pumps. It is not only the sea which threatens the mighty barrage on the coast. On the other side lies the Rhine River, which branches out and forms a wide-reaching delta with the Maas. To prevent such huge swaths of land from flooding in summer and winterstorms, the Dutch are designating more and more land along their rivers as flood zones. Within the next few decades, the area will compose close to 500,000 hectares -- or about twice the size of the German state of Saarland.
This will only be possible if people, industry and agriculture can be successfully relocated to safe territory - which is hard to imagine, given the resistance mounted by some of those affected. Officials have, therefore, decided to demonstrate first of all that it is possible to live in the so-called flood zones. In early October, 15 test areas were announced. A stringent ban on construction in these areas has now been lifted - provided buildings constructed are amphibious houses and nothing else. This means that, in a worst case scenario, excess water from flooded rivers can still be diverted this way."You cannot fight water, you have to learn how to live with it", states Sybilla Dekker, the minister in charge. Her department has arranged a competition for engineers, urban planners and architects to design living accommodation, greenhouses, parking lots and factories which would float andcould grow into "waterproof" towns. One of the leading architects in this relatively new discipline of maritime architecture is Koen Olthuis. His aptly named Waterstudio. nl<>office has already designed anumber of contemporary houseboats with a parking deck for the car and lower deck storage for a motorboat. Now, his team is even coming up with plans for office buildings a hundred meters in height that "swim." The key to making this idea a reality is a patented technique whereby the foundation of the construction can be transformed intoa float. A foam core is encased in concrete, with steel cables securing it against the pull of potential currents. Individual pontoons, whether for residential blocks or chicken coops, can be joined to one another like Legoblocks. As a result, a maritime settlement is born."This construction model is built to last at least one hundred years,"Olthuis says. If anything should happen to the foundation, there is no need to call in the construction company. Instead, the whole thing can be taken to the dockyard.
*Family "arks" of the future*The architect from Rijswijk hopes to tap into a worldwide trend. Increasing numbers of people are gravitating towards the water, out of necessity, for financial gain or, in some cases, quite simply for the wonderful view."Thanks to watertight buildings, this impulse need not be fateful," he says. His bobbing buildings have not only found favor in the Polder lands, he has also prepared concepts for Dubai. The first town based on this model, numbering 12,000 houses, might conceivably be built close to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. The Netherlands are particularly low in this area.

When planes come in for a landing here,one can see countless rectangular islets amid a picturesque, waterylandscape. Canals weave their way like veins through the swaying reeds of green land which invariably opens out into ponds or lakes. By the year 2010,amphibious houses like those in Maasbommel may well form the first residential area here - or perhaps greenhouses will dominate the landscape, like the one opened earlier this month by the minister of agriculture in The Hague. At this stage, such model houses cost more than conventional housing. The amphibious buildings in Maasbommel cost approximately €250,000 to €300,000 for a 120 square meter home. This is due in part to the flexible nature of the construction which also plays a role in creating feed lines for gas, electricity, drinking water and drainage. Like the foundation, they, too, have to be able to adapt to the changes in height of the premises.But, when the floating construction model goes more mainstream, the price of a one family "ark" should drop dramatically. "At the end of the day, we will save on a lot of the costs conventional building methods incur doing things like securing foundations in soft ground. We won't have to contend withthat," Olthuis points out. It remains an utter mystery to him why water-proofed construction is not yet common practice. He can only watch and shake his head as his television broadcasts fresh pictures of floods in one part of the world or another. "Those people,breaking their backs piling sandbags on their doorsteps, I feel really sorry for them."************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ***

norman - i know your intentions are good. otherwise you would NOT be heredoing this.* what the NWO tyranny is doing right now is using all that they have to force-- FORCE!! global catastrophe -- heating the atmosphere on purpose, more with tech than all the cars planes and cow farts on the planet would do if left alone. terawatts of electricity, * all day every day to heat the ionosphere. for years it's been on.****in addition the threat of peak oil is meant to cause a global panic.**the results:****riots**global panic**epidemic**civil disorder.***they call it 'chaos and anarchy' but they don't know what chaos MEANS, and as far as anarchy? you can bet that from their deep underground military prisons and other hidey-bunkers they will be ruling over the panic and sadness -- if things go the way that they are planning. I believe that PAO-- even while people are collecting channelings of great import -- I believe that PAO has a duty to Earth First! because of the cruel, sinister and UNLOVING LIGHT weapons now being used AGAINST OUR PLANET by an adversary we can see. i further believe that this is the evolutionary challenge -- as those whoare relatively Immortal, outside of time, beings like Ptaah and Ra and Kryon, Pleiadians and so forth -- they care very much for us but they are not affected by entropy and rot as we humans are. There is stuff to do at home, that's what i am saying. I don't believe that giving up precious and priceless free will aids in evolving any part of the human biomass, and i feel strongly enough to say so, knowing that your intention is group evolution and not in any way "evil."

Counter Measures

Hi there mikal haley, In addition to that plan, there are as well some measures in place that adjusts these energy fields so that it will fit into the present consensual configuration of the planetary consciousness. These streams of pure Cosmic energies, as you have noted, needed to be conformed into our earth archetypal experience, along that functional line of Database of Experience (see the full document of Intergalactic Protocol – meditative imagery in PAOWeb files). Because we are all spiritual Beings having an earth experience, our experiences varies from planet to planet civilizational context. And in that concern, these adjustments are to conform to the individual Beingness Delimiter Experience of every civilization energy type. These pure intelligent energy streams in themselves adjusts according to the experiential limitations of the individual. So whatever memory impulse the medium/individual, or what ever soul experience the channel has in his/her biological/genetic databank, that's the 'conjecture' (experience) the Spiritual consciousness will utilize in order to function or to manifest events/phenomena. So, my Lemurian brethren, as you can read the gist amongst these words, the wholeness of the individual soul experience is the ONLY data that was utilized by the spiritual stream in fulfilling that function of propagating that Spiritual protocol. Spiritual energy 'knows' (for a lack of better term) beforehand the individual limitations that a civilization has configured on its planetary configurations to impose its primary Purpose: Balance and equilibrium as described under the parameters of Multicomponential Configurational Equilibrium. As well in addition to 'amplifying' the earth experiences of the individual, within the functional parameter of the Collective consciousness, there are also 'bad memories' that need to be filtered out by the process of 'Spiritual overlay'. So this is where the 'balancing component' comes into the scene. If needed be, the painful memories that can amplify into trauma will be overwritten with more evolved subconscious light scenario-type memory streams coming from intergalactic civilizations assisting earth shan on its current ascension process, as described under the parameters of Spark of a Supercluster.

I still have these soul memories of imposing balance at the same time of imposing the rule, for the betterment of all & as well as the sake & right of the individuals not under the jurisdiction of the law so that they will be protected under unnecessary intrusions & hardships that will otherwise be the result of that law. These recognition of rights, as well as others such as the freedom of expression, without imminent fear of coercion & intellectuel intimidation is very much observed in the Philippines (as far as I can remember because I grew up in there). There's almost none of these illuminati control of the mass free will & fragmentization of human values & moral, as well as there's no imposing of fear when it comes to societal decision making. The Philippines being one of the direct remnants of Lemuria, still has traditions & customs that are very much like Lemurian in origin, as was observed by Mr Sheldan Nidle. Maybe the big problem in there is poverty & some political misunderstandings, just like other 3rd world countries.

Here's the 'spiritual sequence' (or technical/etherical configuration), if you may, of this concept:

Counter Balancing Semantics:
Set of rules that was the basis for the direction & sequences of energy flow which was determined by the relationship (semantics) of different components under a Contextual system. Under the present topic at hand, the goal of the balancing impulse is to set the 'system' of discernment according to the most stable flow/direction of spiritual 'lending' or support in such a way as to fill out the fear 'vacuums' with light impulses so as to propagate the emotional carrier, the bearer of Light. The main difference of applying balance as opposed to applying the full resonational energy is somewhat contradictory to the purpose, so much like holding back & avoiding the consequences of a wrong move. These measures are done when an overlaid experience of heavy & imminent error must be 'conjecturally' avoided beforehand.

Love & Light. Ihzawây.

--- In, joseph portal wrote:
Universal Life Force Energy, which I perceive to be what is enetering the planet at this time, responds to the needs of the receiver, no matter who or what. It certainly is beyond our control.

May I share this mantra with you:
I Surrender to Infinite Source,
I Trust the Unfolding Process,
I Love Unconditionally,
I Serve with Gratitude.
Use Me.
If this sounds simplistic, perhaps you don't understand how simple it is.

Posted by: "Norman Imperial"
Tue Aug 7, 2007 10:07 pm (PST)
The Simpler it is, the closer it is to the Oneness of All Source. Thank you for the sharing.

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